Tips for Staying Healthy While Traveling
I love to travel. I spent a good amount of time living overseas in college and after I graduated and have been blessed to travel a lot. I’ve been to Mexico, SE Asia, and all over the US, including Alaska! Although I love to travel, it can be hard to be out of routine, and as someone with food sensitivities, it can be difficult to find food that is good and nourishing for my body. So over the years, I’ve figured out some ways I can stay healthy while traveling and fully enjoy my trip. So let’s get into the tips:
- Stay hydrated! Bring your own water bottle and fill it up wherever you can. Bring extra bottles if needed. When traveling you are out of routine, and it’s easy to forget daily habits like drinking water. One of the best ways to remember to hydrate is to have water on hand!
- Prep ahead! Bring healthy snacks. I always keep some type of quick protein source on us like grass-fed beef sticks or organic beef jerky. I also bring fruit like apples that don’t have to be refrigerated. Veggies and dip, healthy crackers, granola bars, and my go-to energy bite recipe are some of my other favorite snacks to have on hand.
- Get outdoors and explore! I love walking around the town we are in and seeing all that is has to offer. You could also rent a bike and explore where you’re staying that way. My husband and I always plan a hike (or a few) when the area allows. If you aren’t able to get outside, do a quick indoor workout. Stretch, do bodyweight exercises, follow along a YouTube video, just do something to get your heart rate up, and get moving. You won’t regret it!
- I love to try new restaurants and enjoy local food when I travel, but my husband and I usually use Airbnb to find somewhere we can stay with a kitchen we can use to prepare our food. This is not only a healthier option because we know everything that is going into our meals, but it also saves money! We usually eat most of our meals where we are staying and then choose a couple of meals to go out for. I check the menu beforehand to make sure there are gluten-free and dairy-free options for me. Article Sponsored Find something for everyone in our collection of colourful, bright and stylish socks. Buy individually or in bundles to add color to your drawer!
- Another fun activity is to check out the local farmer’s market for some fresh produce and a different view of the city. My absolute favorite place in Indonesia, where I lived, is the “pasar”, the local market. It’s such a fun view of daily life and full of foods that were new to me when I first moved there and came to love.
- Enjoy time to rest. Destress, take it slow. In all honesty, this is hard for me. I love to plan out an entire vacation. But my husband is much more flexible than I am, and I’m slowly learning how to relax more. Having a slow morning with no agenda, sleeping in, journaling, reading, hanging out at the beach, etc. are all so healing to the soul and great destressers. If possible, take some time to just sit outside in nature and enjoy the stillness.
So where are you going to go next? I have quite a few places on my bucket list that hopefully, I’ll be able to visit soon. And when I do, I can’t wait to tell you all about it! Let me know in the comments below, what travel destinations are on your bucket list??
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